
Cardiac research

Heart disease casts a formidable shadow across Australia, affecting the lives of one in six people. However, in Tasmania the battle against this condition is more urgent, as people here face higher rates of heart disease compared to other parts of the country and it is the number one cause of death in the state.

The Foundation has been an unwavering champion of heart research to help people in our community live long and healthy lives. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the Foundation has funded more than 22 ground-breaking research studies into this disease.

We are proud to say that our incredible researchers have focused on innovations in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, enhancements in cardiovascular disease management and new treatments for chronic heart conditions. Some of the latest research includes Dr Dean Picone's work on blood pressure and Professor Matthew Jose's exploration of cardiovascular disease.

However, we rely on your support to continue funding this life-saving research and develop new treatments to improve the lives of people in our community. With your help we can continue to investigate new interventions, develop new equipment, and create cutting-edge technology for people who are affected by heart disease.

We ask you to donate today and help us transform the landscape of heart health. Your gift can make all the difference and help save lives.
