
The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation's Research Matters speaker series returned on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 to spotlight kidney health during Kidney Health Week. Local specialists Dr Mathew Wallis, psychologist Carolyn Baker, and nurse practitioner Lisa Shelverton joined our expert panel to lead a dynamic seminar to a room full of Foundation supporters keen to find out more about the latest advancements in kidney disease.

In a focused session, the panel covered the latest kidney research, innovative prevention strategies, and advanced treatments emerging in Tasmania. Their discussion aimed to educate on supporting those with chronic kidney disease, emphasising new lifesaving advancements.

The speakers provided essential insights on recognising kidney disease symptoms, understanding its progression, and the latest therapeutic approaches to enhance patient outcomes. This informative seminar underscored the significant local contributions to kidney health, equipping attendees with the knowledge to make impactful changes.

We thank St Lukes for their continued support of the Research Matters series and for providing a perfect setting at their new Wellness Hub.

If you enjoyed this Research Matters seminar, don't miss out on our future events! Secure your spot for our upcoming Research Matters - Pain Week event on 24 July 2024.

Are you just discovering our Research Matters speaker series? Check out our other talks on dementiaprostate cancer, and heart health.

Are you ready for an incredible challenge? The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation has an exhilarating opportunity for you! The Foundation is thrilled to announce that it is the charity partner for the 2024 Cadbury Marathon and we’re inviting you to join in the fun.

The Cadbury Marathon is held on 7 January 2024 in Hobart and offers a range of running events to suit everyone’s fitness levels, from 1km to full marathons, so anyone can take part.

Here’s how to get started:

Sign up: Click here to register for the 2024 Cadbury Marathon

Fundraise: Create a fundraising page and share it with your networks to support your efforts

Train and prepare: Start your training journey and get ready to make a difference

Impact: Every step you take gets us closer to our goal of improving the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians

So, get ready to lace up those runners and set yourself a new challenge for 2024.

If you would like tips on how to fundraise while you run, please reach out to the Foundation team on

We look forward to seeing you on race day!

The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation is the charity partner for the 2024 Cadbury Marathon
The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation is the charity partner for the 2024 Cadbury Marathon

On 15 November 2023 we proudly celebrated the remarkable contributions of its community of supporters and dedicated researchers at our Spring Soiree.  It was an evening of appreciation at AURA Hobart, complete with refreshing drinks, delicious canapés, and breathtaking views!

Throughout the night we celebrated our amazing partners, while also showcasing the achievements of our Foundation-funded researchers. Over the past year, our researchers have been at the forefront of medical advancements - focusing on enhancing treatments for men with prostate cancer, pioneering new tests for dementia, exploring the link between air pollution and specific diseases, and so much more. Their incredible work promises significant improvements in the health and wellbeing of our community.

Guests also heard from Foundation-funded sleep scientist, Sam Bramich, who captivated guests with her insights on REM sleep behaviour disorder and how this condition can be an early indicator of dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

We are so grateful for the generous support of the Spring Soiree event sponsor St Lukes. This inspiring organisation is committed to making Tasmania the healthiest island globally and acknowledges the crucial role of local medical research in achieving this ambitious goal.

It was a pleasure to have so many supporters from various parts of our dynamic community in one room to celebrate the advancements in research in 2023. We look forward to working together to ensure that our research continues to positively impact our local community in 2024 and beyond.

The Foundation’s Research Matters speaker series returned for a seminar on heart health with local Cardiologist, and senior clinical lecturer at the University of Tasmania, Dr Andrew Black. It was great to have Andrew share his expertise with our highly engaged community of Foundation supporters at the brand-new St Lukes Community Hub in Hobart’s CBD.

Over 45 minutes Dr Black discusses the causes of heart disease, what to do if you experience symptoms, how heart conditions are detected, the latest interventions for prevention and treatment, and some of the fascinating research that is taking place right here in Tasmania. It is a fascinating and informative discussion about the deadliest condition in Tasmania.

We’d like to thank St Lukes for supporting the event and hosting us in their brand new Community Hub!

If you enjoyed this Research Matters seminar, be sure to check out our other talks on dementia and prostate cancer.

Research Matters heart health on World Heart Day with Dr Andrew Black
Research Matters heart health on World Heart Day with Dr Andrew Black

On 21 September 2023, the Foundation proudly hosted a remarkable event to celebrate our supporters who have chosen to leave a gift in their Will. The Friends for the Future event at Hadley’s Orient Hotel was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate legacy giving and unite a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to improving the health and wellbeing for future generations.   

Guests were treated to an enlightening presentation by Dr Niles Nelson, who discussed her research into families with blood cancers. Niles’ ground-breaking research was made possible through the generous bequest of the late Mrs Betty Rose Bateman, who had the incredible foresight of leaving a gift in her Will to the Foundation. Mrs Bateman’s gift has also been instrumental in funding two further research projects on predicting apnoea in premature infants and a game-changing study on the Hobart Method.

An event like this wouldn't be possible without the incredible support of the Foundation's event partner Butler McIntyre & Butler. Their warm and approachable team also played an important role in assisting our guests, addressing their questions about the process of making and updating their Wills, and ensuring that their intentions were aligned.

Engaging with such a dedicated group of Foundation supporters in this intimate setting was a true pleasure. It was a delight to be able to share our unwavering passion for medical research and the transformative impact it can have on our community.

If you're inspired by the idea of joining this exclusive group and becoming a Friend for the Future, please reach out to our friendly team on 03 6166 1319 or at to find out more.  

The Foundation's Research Matters speaker series returned for a seminar on prostate cancer, with researchers Dr Kelsie Raspin and Dr Liesel Fitzgerald and surgeon Dr Nick Davies coming together to discuss prostate cancer at the University of Tasmania's Menzies Institute for Medical Research.

We invite you to please enjoy this hour-long information session, where our panellists discuss the latest ways to detect prostate cancer, the importance of catching the disease early, the increased risk associated with age and genetics, and some of the most innovative treatment methods. It is a robust and informative discussion about one of Australia's most commonly diagnosed cancers.

Thanks to Josh Duggan for facilitating this discussion and to Hobart Private Hospital for supporting the event.

The Foundation’s esteemed researchers Associate Professor Jane Alty and Dr Jessica Collins came together to discuss dementia in our inaugural Research Matters seminar.

We invite you to watch this hour-long information session below, where A/Prof Alty and Dr Collins discuss the novel ways of detecting dementia, ways to reduce the risk of getting disease, innovative treatment methods and the latest research in this space. It is an informative and riveting discussion about a disease that affects over 400,000 Australians.

Thanks to Josh Duggan for facilitating this discussion and to Hobart Private Hospital for supporting the event.

On Friday 7 April over 2000, people descended on Hobart’s Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens to take part in the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation’s 11th annual Easter Egg Hunt. Despite a slightly gloomy forecast families eagerly flocked to the gardens early to make the most of their Good Friday.

Enthusiasm wasn’t in short supply as children deciphered the clues that led them on a quest throughout the gardens until they stumbled upon a hoard of chocolate Easter Eggs. The children were greeted with appearances by Freddo Frog, Caramello Koala, and even the Easter Bunny!

Special thanks to the incredible partners and sponsors that helped make this event possible - Chemist Warehouse, Optus, Pulse Hobart, and the Spirit of Tasmania.

We are delighted to announce that the event raised over $30,000 for local medical research which means that the Foundation will be able to fund three more incubator grants in 2024. This is a phenomenal effort and something that the Foundation couldn’t have achieved without the support of the Hobart community!

Congratulations to the following people who won prizes in the Foundation’s raffle and ‘guess the quantity’ competitions on the day. Prize winners have been contacted directly.


Egg Quantity Competition

We look forward to seeing you all again next year!
