
Renowned experts discuss kidney health innovations in the latest Research Matters seminar

Published on
20 May 2024
Research Matters - Kidney Health Week

The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation's Research Matters speaker series returned on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 to spotlight kidney health during Kidney Health Week. Local specialists Dr Mathew Wallis, psychologist Carolyn Baker, and nurse practitioner Lisa Shelverton joined our expert panel to lead a dynamic seminar to a room full of Foundation supporters keen to find out more about the latest advancements in kidney disease.

In a focused session, the panel covered the latest kidney research, innovative prevention strategies, and advanced treatments emerging in Tasmania. Their discussion aimed to educate on supporting those with chronic kidney disease, emphasising new lifesaving advancements.

The speakers provided essential insights on recognising kidney disease symptoms, understanding its progression, and the latest therapeutic approaches to enhance patient outcomes. This informative seminar underscored the significant local contributions to kidney health, equipping attendees with the knowledge to make impactful changes.

We thank St Lukes for their continued support of the Research Matters series and for providing a perfect setting at their new Wellness Hub.

If you enjoyed this Research Matters seminar, don't miss out on our future events! Secure your spot for our upcoming Research Matters - Pain Week event on 24 July 2024.

Are you just discovering our Research Matters speaker series? Check out our other talks on dementiaprostate cancer, and heart health.
