
Your donations this tax-time will keep changing lives

Published on
2 July 2023

For years, the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation has been dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of our community by funding innovative medical research. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have been able to make incredible strides towards a brighter and healthier future for local Tasmanians.

It was through this generosity that a Tasmanian doctor was able to pioneer a less invasive way to treat premature babies with breathing problems. In 2012, the Foundation provided funding for Professor Peter Dargaville and his team at the RHH Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to develop this novel procedure, using a catheter instead of inserting a breathing tube, to treat newborns in respiratory distress. Now known as the Hobart Method, it has since changed the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable babies around the world.

Twins Emmy and Mila, who were born 10 weeks early, had their lives saved by this revolutionary treatment. Looking at them now you couldn’t tell them apart from any other nine year old!

The twins' mum Lauren said that “It was an easy choice to opt for the Hobart Method as opposed to the more invasive alternative.”

She explained that the traditional method would have “required intubation, which is a tricky procedure in itself, and carries risks of pneumonia, as well as possible damage to the lungs and vocal cords.”

The revolutionary and less invasive Hobart Method “left no short-term damage and we’ve seen no long-term issues in the girls,” a delighted Lauren explained.

The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation urgently needs your help to keep funding ground-breaking research to change the lives of local Tasmanians like Emmy and Mila.

Your gift to the Foundation will allow us to develop new treatments and cures for heart and lung conditions in premature babies, cancer, cardiac disease, dementia, and other conditions that impact our local community. Your support will be vital to improving the quality of life for Tasmanians living with a variety of health conditions.

So, this tax time, please donate to the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation and allow us to keep funding innovative research right here in Tasmania. Your local gift can truly make a difference and help save lives.

P.S. The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation needs your help, now more than ever, to fund medical research that directly benefits the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians. Can you make a tax deductible donation today to help save lives?
